Im Here

Im Here

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Even with such big changes in my life lately. I am in a mental state that is numinously satisfyiing. I do not know if its cause im gett ing older, well im still not that old, or just increasing family quality of life. I actually look forward to the next day now, I enjoy every minute what life brings. Then I still get scared cause things are so great now, its bound to fall. Im sure I am not the only one who feels this way but what goes up must come down right. I am glad to be isolated from most people, it gives us time concentrate on 'our family.' with this isolation and distance comes the price of not seeing Elecia. Its really hard accepting that I only get to be apart of some of her life. All I know as long as I dont give up and keep making effort it has to pay off in the end. I cant give up, my bio mom gave up and it still hurts til this day. To know that she was that weak to give up on seeing her daughter. Thats the promise I make to Elecia, never give up, im always here.

1 comment:

  1. life is what you make of it and I truly believe that. If you think things are too good to be true and are not supposed to be that way then they are not going to last. But if you say things are supposed to be this good and live like that then things are going to stay like that. Live abundantly.
